Friday, August 1, 2014

The Prodigal Book Review

The Prodigal (Abram's Daughters #4) by Beverly Lewis was the fourth book in the series.  I was super glad to have gotten the second through the fifth book out of the library because I was reading through them so quickly with a little time on my hands with vacation and time in the car and a little lack of sleep.  I couldn't believe what was going on in the books and had to start the one book after finishing the last because they all end with terrible cliffhangers that want you to look for the next thing that is going to happen.  These books are hard to put down so make sure you pick them up when you decide that you have enough time (and might want to overlook a few loads of laundry or dishes).

In this book, Sadie is fitting back into the family after returning home but there are lots of questions from the children as to where she has been and why she left.  The return home is bitter sweet because Sadie is now a widow and having a hard time adjusting to loosing her husband as well as dealing with the past of her home.  Sadie is in a Proving time so that she can be a member of the church again with lots of rules that she has to follow.  Jonas is living in Ohio and making his living by being a woodworker and carpenter but since he is shunned from the church district, neither Leah or his family know where he is or what is going on in his life.  Leah is still raising her mother's two children as her own while keeping house and all the time being happy about it even though she doesn't have her own marriage or children.  There is lots of turmoil in this book as the children get older and start to make trouble of their own.  Make sure you pick up this book and find out what happens because it might be the biggest surprise yet!!!

I enjoyed this book just as much as the firsts books...of course the farther you get into the story in the characters always makes me think that the last book that I finished was the best.  It is mostly the best because of all of the background that you have going into the book from the first books in the series.  Books are a lot like movies because if you see the end first, you don't appreciate how they got there.  I am excited to go on the this ride and see where the next book takes me...lucky for me, I don't have to wait.  It also had the big surprise that you have been waiting for (or at least I have) for a long time.  I hope that you pick up this series and she what you think of the wonderful Ebersol family and all of the troubles that they go through.  Pick it up the next time you are at the library or bookstore and see which one you like the best!

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