Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Kids Reading: It's About Time and activities

I found this book on display and didn't even have to go looking and on the same day as a video about time! 

The book was really good about keeping to a schedule and knowing what time it is.  Even if the times in the book are different then when you get up, go to school and eat.  It is fun to read the book and talk about the times that you do those things.  The only downfall of this book is that it only does each thing on the hour so it doesn't teach the more complicated part of telling time.  It is still a great introductory book for young kids.  It shows both the regular clock and the digital clock in the picture so it sort of gives away the answer if you kid knows their numbers but you could easily cover the digital clock so that the child really looks at the clock to figure out the time.

The library had a video that had a clock on the front and was easily named Telling Time... Just what I needed!!  I certainly can't speak for other libraries but the ones in Fairfax County does a great job of stocking their shelves with learning videos to help parents.

The back of the DVD case shows the details of what is on the DVD so I was super excited about starting this DVD.  For some reason, my son didn't want to watch it but once we started.  He liked the strange characters and songs.  They went through regular clocks and then digital.  They also had a little bit about the days of the week and the calendar.  It was a great introduction into the next subject of learning the calendar but it was talking about how it measures time.

We have been working on time with in other projects and my son knows the digital clock and is slowly learning the other clock with the help of our Melissa and Doug clock (got at a consignment sale for $4- super great deal).  It tells the minutes and what they equal because they are written on the different areas on the inside of the number 2 says 10 so you know that it is 10 minutes.  Otherwise, I am teaching my kid multiplication which does seem a little more advanced then a five year old needs to be!

We also got a Telling Time with Diego book at a different consignment sale super cheap and he has been enjoying it.

The inside of the book shows different things that Diego does at different times and it always shows the clock on the wall.  The front of the book is velcro so that it swings open so that it can be next to the page so that the kids can set the clock to match the one inside the house (but it is still attached so that it isn't lost).  I didn't realize that but my son figured it out!!  Leave it to the kids to figure out the tough stuff.

We worked on a few worksheets that were free downloads from the Internet.  There was a sheet that did the hours, the half hours and Quarter Of which was a little simple and a good place to start.  There was even a blank one so that you could make up your own worksheet.  They can be found here.

The other one let him draw in the hands on the clock which seemed to be a little more challenging because it asked questions like when he wakes up in the morning and when he goes to sleep.  He was really focused that his triangles had to be in the right direction.  This one can be found here.

We did another set with AM or PM which had a lot of questions come up but once he understood morning or afternoon, he was on a roll and loved filling in the sheet.  There was a little bit of wording like when he woke up and when he went to bed.  This was found in the same packet as above.

I got a bunch of worksheets through Pay Teachers for Teachers which is a free website and there are a bunch of free downloads (I know that it doesn't seem like it should have since pay is in the title but I promise).  There is a really easy search at the top and on the side you can click on free and it will pull up all of the free options with that subject matter.  I downloaded the following (with this search):

Telling Time in 5 minute Intervals
Telling Time Learning Center
Telling Time Bingo
Telling Time Math Unit

Practicing reading the clock is really easy.  We normally tell my son to check the clock when we are done eating dinner because he wants to watch his favorite television program and wants to know if it is on.  If he checks the clock, he can figure out if it is time or if there is enough time for a bath first :)  We do the clock every school day while we are waiting in the car because my son wants to know how long it is before the doors are open and someone is going to pick him up.  I ask him when they come out to get him and how many more minutes that is which he does check about every 10 seconds to see if the clock has changed and gets confused if the people are early or late. I hope that you have fun practicing telling time with your kids.

In the back of the It's About Time book, they suggest a few other books which sound interesting.

Clocks and More Clocks by Pat Hutchins
My First Book of Time by Claire Llewellyn
Train Leaves the Station by Eve Merriam

Have you taught your kids to read the clock?  Do you think that it was easy or hard? It seems to be an interesting journey but we are having fun giving it a try.  Hope that these ideas help your kids to learn to tell time too!!!


  1. We're working on this as well... you listed so many great resources, thank-you! My girls favourite was a "Wiggles" time book where the hands moved... lots of fun stuff out there for learning to tell time!

    1. My son loves it and keeps pulling out more worksheets but it looks like the links to the worksheets and the worksheet pictures didn't load so updates are coming :)


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