Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First Trip to Harris Teeter for Super Doubles

I am super excited that it is Super Doubles time and there are lots of good sales to take advantage of at the same time.  I ran into two of my couponing friends when I was at the store today but not a lot of other people so I guess people didn't hear that it was coming.  I am hoping that a few of my new couponing recruits are going to go with me to the sales this week.  I think that I might actually have my act together to do my shopping and help them.  I guess we will see :)

I got all of the things in the following picture for a great deal!  I grabbed some of the freebies which were the Yakisoba Noodles, Campbell's Healthy Request Soup, So Delicious Yogurt, Cooked Perfect Bites, South Beach Diet Bars and the Barilla Italian Meals.  I ended up getting the Oscar Mayer Protein pack for free because there was a coupon on it for meat clearance so it was actually a $0.25 money maker (it is flat between the Cooked Perfect Bites and the Italian meals with the weird green stripe).

There were a few things that I did pay for but not many.  I couldn't pass up the Mazola spray for $0.29 each and the Ricotta cheese for $0.50.  I grabbed the item that we really needed which was the toilet paper finally at my buy price of $0.25 per roll or $0.99 for each package.  I also decided to spend the big money and get the cold medicine for my son because it is normally $10 and it was on sale for $8 and I had a $2 off coupon which doubled so I payed $4 which is a great savings that I couldn't pass up even though we aren't currently sick.

I also got a surprise when two evic zvr coupons came off for the soup which totaled $1.40!!

I went a little crazy with my organization and lists because I didn't know if I was going to have other people with me so I got through with the shopping trip really quickly and had to put a few things away because I did a little too well and got over the 20 coupon limit in my cart really quickly.  Since this was my day that I had time, I went up and down the aisles and checked out some of the deals but a lot of the signs weren't up yet so it wasn't the best time to be searching the stores to know what I was getting next time.

Are you ready for my totals??

Total Retail $65.90

Total Savings $59.57

Total Spent $6.33

I am super excited to do that well on my first day out.  I got three rain checks on things that weren't really on my list to buy but I will save them for when I need them next time and hope that they get stock in by the end of the sale.  What do you think?  Pretty good haul for less then the cost of the medicine, right?

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