Evergreen Place (Cedar Cove) by Debbie Macomber was the next in the series of Cedar Cove. I was so looking forward to reading it and getting back to the series after an absences for a bunch of other books because I was missing the characters. I hope that you have taken my suggestion to start this series because it is seriously great! It was a great change of pace after a book that I didn't really enjoy.

In this book, Mary Jo Wyse and her baby daughter, Noelle, have been enjoying starting their new life in Cedar Cove. Mack McAfee, local fire fighter, is Mary Jo's neighbor and secret landlord. Together they are trying to figure out a mystery about letters that Mary Jo found in the duplex under the floor boards. Mack lied to Mary Jo to get her to move in with a really low rent and she doesn't know that he owns the property but she finds out during their investigation and is furious. He is growing more and more in love with Mary Jo and Noelle everyday and doesn't know what he would do without them in his life when she threatens to move. At the same time, Mary Jo's brother, Linc, is enjoying his new marriage to Lori Bellamy. Linc is going through a hard time opening up his auto body shop because Lori's father is blocking him at every move and he is close to having to close the new shop. Will Jefferson is pursuing local artist and recent widow, Shirley Bliss. After turning down many dates, she finally accepts and Will takes her to a art show where she meets Larry Knight, well known artist and widow who immediately attracts her attention. Christie and James are working to repair their damaged relationship after James took off when reports showed up. There is a lot going on in this piece of the ongoing Cedar Cover saga so pick up the book if you want to find out what your favorite characters are doing.
This is a great book and you should start at the beginning of the series to enjoy seeing the characters grow and overcome their problems. I love the whole series and I am so sad that I am getting to the end but that just means that I have to start with the next series by Debbie Macomber. I hope that you check this out at your local library or bookstore soon. There are only two more books in the series so you will see their reviews appearing soon since they are already in my reading pile!!
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