Friday, October 18, 2013

What does a day look like?

I decided to write a list of things and see how a day goes to share it with all of you.  I picked a random Thursday since weekdays are a little different then weekends.  See what a day in my life looks like and let me know if it sounds like yours?!

7:00 am:

-Woke up and brushed teeth and went downstairs

-Put ingredients in the bread machine to make a loaf of sandwich bread

-Made lunch for husband and son

-Made oatmeal for my husband's breakfast

-Make corn bread for dinner that night.  Yum, love that stuff.

-Bake frozen cookies since the oven was heated up.  I went to Let's Dish with my friend which was super fun and they messed up her order so they gave us both free desserts.  These were the heath bar and they were amazing... these were the last 6.

- Start applesauce bread in the mixer.  If you are thinking that this looks a little orange for applesauce, it is actually some apple and carrot sauce that I found which I figured would make a good bread.

-Make pancakes from scratch for son and I for breakfast with extras to freeze.

-Put load of darks in the washer

8:30 am:

-Socks and shoes on and out to the car

-Left to take my son to school

9:00 am:

-Dropped my son at school and headed home...forget to stop at CVS to get medicine. UGH!

-Talked to my parents on the phone because they are coming down today (see why I forgot to stop)

9:15 am:

-Turned out TV to have a little entertainment in the kitchen while I was working.

-Finished making applesauce bread (aka cinnamon bread if my son asks)

-Received call from online pharmacy and had to ask a few questions and pay bill

-Folded blankets and cleaned up family room when I heard the washer beep

10:00 am:

-Put applesauce bread in the oven

Put clothes in dryer

-Rinsed dishes in the sink and filled the dishwasher (leaving the dishes that needed to be hand washed on counter)

-Took Sandwich Bread out of bread machine

-Back downstairs to take the recycling.

-Decided to take a break and cut first set of coupons while watching the rest of Rachael Ray.  My piles are in the way of where all the baked goods need to go so it is better if I get them cut then just moving them around the house.

-Take loaf of bread out of pan and put in tupperware to cool

-Start cutting second set of coupons

11:00 am:

-Take out loaf of applesauce bread to cool.

-Finished second set of coupons cut and filed (sad that there is still one more but have to stop to make pumpkin muffins because they should have already been in the oven....UGH).

-Mix up pumpkin muffins and put in oven, not before running out of the non-stick spray that was in reaching distance so I got out the step stool and reached up to get the other one while getting a cramp in my leg.

-Rinse the dishes and fill the dishwasher.

11:30 am:

-Realize that I am out of butter in the upstairs fridge and freezer and head downstairs to grab butter from the freezer in the basement.  after grabbing, I realize that the dryer is no longer running so I stop and fold the laundry while upstairs the timer for the muffins is going off!!!

-Run upstairs and take out the muffins realizing that I don't have a hot pad on the counter so I grab that first and cover the counter.  Muffins now cooling.

12:00 pm

-Get out recipe and ingredients to make new cookie bar recipe.

-Hear phone beep in the other room and realize that I missed my parents calling.  I called them and found out that they left at 11:30 am.  Talking while running the mixer because I don't have enough time left.

12:20 am

-Put cookie bars in the oven and they take at least 20 minutes to cook which is all the time that I have left before leaving to pick up my son.

-Clean up baking ingredients while I am making the batter.

-Take a shower!  I didn't take one this morning because I was too busy and I did take one last night before dinner because I was sweaty from the park and trying to combat the sunburn that I got at the park....  I still felt gross before getting in the shower and covered in all my cooking messes.

-While the water is warming up, run around and put away some laundry that you moved at some point this morning from the kitchen floor where it was dropped to the living room couch.

-Remember that I have to wash the shower curtain liner (we have one of those fabric ones which is nice to throw into the washing machine and it stays cleaner) so I balance on the edge of the tub to get it down because I am too short to reach the hooks otherwise and run to the basement (in only my towel) to wash that so that it will be ready to hang when I get home. 

-Grab the stuff of the printer in the basement and throw it on the counter on the way back up through the kitchen.

12:40 pm

-Standing in the kitchen in my towel to see if the bars are cooked before I run to get dressed and try to play beat the clock with the kitchen timer again!!

-Take out cookie bars to cool while I am off with my busy afternoon.

-Leave to pick up my son with no lunch!!  How is that possible since I had so much "free" time?

1:00 pm

-Pick up my son from school and talk to my mom friend who just so happens to be the car in front of me in the pick up line. Jump back in the car when the front of the line starts to move and read about 4 pages in my book while we are winding our way up to the front.

-Look at all the art work in his bag while stopped at the stop sign because he comes home with tons of new stuff every day and try to ask enough questions to find out what he did at school and what he ate for lunch...did I eat lunch yet? Well, some but I know that we are going home to have more.

1:05 pm

-Go to bank and deposit two checks that have been sitting on my counter for ages.

1:30 pm

-Go to CVS and pick up the prescriptions that I have not had time to pick up for two days.

2:00 pm

-Go to the post office to mail a rebate that I did for Advil.  I don't trust our mail man to get anything to the post office in a timely manner so going straight to the source is way easier since I am out that way anyway. Also, give up on the box tops that I was trying to collect and just mailed them since I was already at the post office.  I used $0.87 of stamps that I have in an envelope so that it was no money out of pocket for either mailing.  I just put all the old stamps into an envelope and I have spent a lot of time trying to use them up instead of paying for postage at the post office.  I have a bunch of $0.03 and $0.10 as well as a collection of old stamps that were discontinued before I used them... got to use up two $0.37 ones today with Christmas prints :)

- Stop and get gas while the prices are surprising lower again..knock on wood.

2:30 pm

-Home and wrangling my son inside with promises of returning back outside before grandma and grandpa get there so that we can play with chalk on the driveway.

-Put away laundry upstairs while trying to get out gift bags (see below)

-Get two gift bags out for my son to decorate with stickers for two birthday parties coming up.  I wrote the child's name on one side and he decided that he needed to practice and then write it on the other side by himself.  Handing him a permanent marker and hoping for the best, I watched him write the birthday boys name on the bag.  He got on a few stickers, we had a quick bathroom break, then snack of the cookie bars since he saw me cutting them.

-Cut cookie sheet into cookie bars and put into Tupperware for storage.

-Stop and make peanut butter sandwich to which he declares that he would like it open faced...pulled it apart and served again.... He would like it star shaped...Nope, peanut butter is too hard to cut after already on the bread and mommy is busy.

3:00 pm

-Take laundry basket and more recycling from coupon cutting downstairs.

-Bring up shower curtain from washer and throw it over the bar in the bathroom to dry a little.

-Stop to wash off peanut butter face before it gets wiped everywhere!! Close up of scary peanut butter face while proudly showing his sticker from the post office.

-Had to stop everything to call Grandma and Grandpa and then little man got irritated because he didn't think that Grandma understood him so I took the phone to talk and translate.

-Ran upstairs to get slippers because my feet were throbbing from standing most of the day in the kitchen.  Empty two reusable bags while I am up there and bring the empty bags back downstairs.

-Empty bag that needs to be sent to the manufacturer to get repaired that I wish I had together today to mail at the post office but at least I will get it ready for next week.

-Clean counters while talking on the phone with people that are arriving in less than two hours.

-Make ice tea with boiled water from the stove in my Henn Star pottery pitcher.

-Rinse more dishes in the sink and fill dishwasher...yup, there are still dishes in the sink.

3:30 pm

-Start to wash dishes and realize the scrubber is disgusting so go downstairs to get a new one and take the recycling with me on the way.

-Wash dishes and really grateful that I cleaned them all off and made a pile so that I all I had to do was wash with hot water and soap and not a ton of scrubbing.

-Stop to take off my son's band aid on his leg which he thought was going to hurt really bad so he whimpered the whole time but wanted it off.... never understand the curious nature of kids.

-Back to drying and putting away dishes with one more pot to wash.  Ugh, just made another by clearing off the chocolate chip bar pan!

-Heard dryer beep with the table cloth that I threw in after it washed with the shower curtain... don't want to go back downstairs to get it but if I don't then it will be wrinkled... internal struggle.  Bargained with myself and decided that I would get and fold the table cloth and then sit down instead of finishing the dishes.

4:00 pm

-Grab book and remember that I need to take the medicine that I picked up at the pharmacy but now my ice tea is empty.  Good thing that I just made a new pitcher!

-Fall into the soft cushions of the couch and don't get back up again forever...okay, that part was a dream because it is already 4:00 pm and I still need to clean the floor and take more laundry downstairs.  Mind churning and trying to come up with other things that I need to go before my parents get here in about one hour (mostly likely less).

4:45 pm

-Phone call comes in from the grandparents and they are going to be there in about 15 minutes.

-Get up and fold blankets and put everything away.

-Clean the floor.

-One more trip downstairs to put the laundry in the washer for the next load that I don't have time to run.

5:00 pm

-The grandparents have invaded...I mean arrived.  I took another load to the basement. Unloaded a bunch of bags in the kitchen and they were back out the door with my son at 5:07 to go to the dry cleaner and the store.  Going back to my book instead of being more productive!

-My husband came home so we talked for a little bit and then we walked a tape of some new shows that we missed.

6:00 pm

-Make dinner for the family including tacos and rice.  Luckily, already had the corn bread made.  I should have cut the lettuce and shredded the cheese but I just didn't get to earlier in the day.

6:45 pm

-Sitting down to dinner as a big family with grandma and grandpa to enjoy taco night.

7:30 pm

-Dinner over and everyone enjoying the dessert options quickly before bath time for the little man and tv news for grandpa.

8:00 pm

-Watched some television and taped some other shows that we want to see that we never have time to see!

10:00 pm

-Get up off couch because falling asleep so decide to go to bed but walk through the messy kitchen and decide to wash dishes and fill the dishwasher again!!

10:30 pm

-Go to bed and read my book and finally relax after a long day!!  I normally make it a little later but I was wiped out and falling asleep on the couch.

11:30 pm

-Falling asleep after the long day.

 I would normally go to exercise class on Thursday but as you can see from my list, I really didn't have the extra time so I decided to try to get some stuff done and see if I could catch up.  I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done.  I have one more coupon insert to cut that was on my to do list.  Trying to find my list to see if there is anything else that I have to do but I can't find it buried in my bag so leaving that to another day.  Do you see how the pictures slowed down as the day went on because I didn't even have the energy to get out the camera?!

Do your days sound like this with too much packed into one day to make it through?  What did you do today??  Hope that you had a good day and it was way more relaxing then mine.  I am aiming for more relaxed soon!!!  I just have to get it on my to do list :)


  1. I was exhausted just reading this!! ;p. You are super mom :)

    1. Still trying to fit more hours in the day or try to be more productive while getting it all done but I am always at the end of the day tired and still more things to do. I don't know how you get it all done!!!


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