Friday, October 18, 2013

The Reckoning Book Review

The Reckoning (The Heritage of Lancaster County #3) by Beverly Lewis was the third in the series and I waited for awhile for it to come in to the library because they have very few copies.  I was glad when it finally came in and went to pick it up even though it was not next on the pile to read.  I was excited to get to it!!  My copy was old and didn't look nearly as pretty as this cover.  Isn't it funny what a difference the cover makes?

This book started right where the last one left off with Katherine Mayfield, formerly Amish Katie Lapp, living in her dead mother's estate.  She is trying to figure out her new life being "English."  Katherine finds out her childhood love , Daniel Fisher, is still alive when he shows up on her doorstep but she sends him away.  She decides to start volunteering at the hospice care facility that cared for her mother in her final days.  Katherine also started teaching quilting to a group of people and they decided to sell the quilts that they made in order to benefit the hospice facility.  At the same time, Katherine is learning about religious beliefs that her mother held by attending her church.  She is building her relationship with Justin Wirth, the painter who painted her picture with her mother, before death.  Katherine's life is changing so much from the life that Katie Lapp lived and she is trying to figure out the path that she wanted her life to take.  Pick up the book to see what path she chooses.

I love the Beverly Lewis books because she has such descriptive language and wonderful characters.  This was a great story and a wonderful continuation of the previous books in the series.  Lewis leaves you wanting more book in every series!!  I hope that you read this series and this book.  Make sure you pick it up the next time you are at your local library or bookstore. I know that you will really enjoy getting to know all of the characters and dipping into a world that is so fascinating.

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