Monday, March 18, 2013

Time Keeper Book Review

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom was calling to me from the new book section at the library when I was with my son.  I grabbed it and put it in the pile to check out.  I have all of the Mitch Albom books on my shelf and I have read them all at least once.  I love them all so I was super excited to try this new book!!

In this book, there are a few different stories going at the same time.  The first person is Dor who turns out to be Father Time.  He is punished to a lifetime alone in a cave (at least 6,000 years) because he asked for more time when his wife got sick.  He realized that he didn't need more time if he was going to have to spend all that time without his wife and children. 

The other person is Sarah Lemon, a high school senior, who is working hard to get through school and get into college.  She is quickly thrown off track by falling in love with Ethan, someone who doesn't return her love.  Sarah has decided after being embarrassed by Ethan that she is going to kill herself by locking herself in her mothers car on New Years Eve.

The last person is Victor, an older gentleman who dying of cancer and kidney failure.  He has decided that he is going to freeze himself so that he can be brought back to life when the medicine is able to fix his current ailments.  He has decided that he is going to send his wife to a banquet and go to the facility to kill himself.

When both Sarah and Victor were ready to end their life, Dor stepped in and showed them what their life would be like without them in it and how their actions affected the people around them.  During the time Dor was showing them their futures, he started coughing and getting sick. 

The end of the book was the best part of the whole book.  It started off really slowly and it was a little confusing to follow.  It does all come together by the end with the resolution to all three peoples problems in different ways.  I would recommend all of Mitch Albom's other books before I would recommend this book but it does leave you thinking about life and time.  If you do check it out, let me know what you think.

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