Friday, March 1, 2013

Rush of Wings Book Review

This book isn't something that I would normally pick off the shelf but I did the Bethany House review of Breath of Dawn and really wanted more of the characters in that one.  I checked out the authors website and picked this to be my next book to try that had the same characters. 

I reserved it at the library and was super excited to see it come in.  The picture on the cover was different than what I pictured the main character looking like when I read the other book but can't we come up with our own images in our mind.  Rush of Wings, A: A Novel by Kristen Heitzmann was my next book. 

Just a quick note that this is Christian fiction and there is a lot of discussion of God through the book.  If you aren't interested in that, you won't be interested in this book. 

Noelle escaped her New York high society life and ended up taking one bus after the next to a small Rocky Mountain town, Juniper Falls.  She was looking for somewhere to stay and the general store recommended that she try the Spencer ranch up the hill run.  She went up to the ranch where they had three cabins but they were all booked.  Luckily, they offered her a room in the house where only the ranch owner, Rick and his brother, Morgan live.  She stays for many months while living off the grid with no accounts, credit cards and only uses cash but keeping her previous life mostly a secret.  She falls off a horse while riding at the ranch and is seriously hurt. Rick carries her to the hospital and takes care of her hospital bills.  She still refuses to tell them about what she was escaping and the life she left behind.  When she is finally able to open up, the story gets really interesting.  I hope that you read this book to find out what happens :)
I hope that you check out this author and this book at your local library or bookstore.  I promise that you won't be disappointed because it is a fast read that is hard to put down!  I think that this author is one that I am going to have to check out more of :)  Let me know if you have any suggestions of ones that you have read for me to add to my list.

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