Monday, March 4, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 3/4

Monday- Tacos with saffron rice and corn bread
Tuesday- Baked Potato Soup with garlic cheddar biscuits
Wednesday- Chicken tenders with tater tots
Thursday- Olive Oil Pasta with pizza dippers
Friday- Sweet and Sour Chicken with simplified fried rice
Saturday- Homemade Pizza/ Leftovers
Sunday- Leftovers/ Frozen Pizza (my son's second favorite)

I had the March meal plan mostly written in and then all of my meal plans were turned around with a total change of schedule.  My mother in law is coming to visit this week so I changed to make a bunch of her favorites and enough to feed a crowd (in case my sister in law and/or boyfriend come for dinner).  I am sure it is going to be a busy week with company but hopefully this plan will go off without a hitch.  Crossing my fingers :)  Hope you have a good week too!!!

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