Friday, June 8, 2012

Cleaning out the pantry (or maybe more)

I decided that I really need to clean and organize my pantry since items were getting low and it was time to go shopping.  That is a much better time to get organized then after the big shopping trip when you have no where to put things :)  I started to reorganize and put things in Tupperware containers but the cupboards still needed a little help.

Welcome to my pantry!

I have 5 shelves which we adjusted when we put in the cabinets and I haven't done since.  I have changed what I put in the pantry a little since then but the shelf height still seems to work for everything still.  Ready for the grand tour???

Top shelf:
This one is a little above my head (literally) so I was on my tip toes with the camera over the shelf so sorry for the picture quality.  I keep the ramen noodles in the front for my son- he likes the noodles from them.  There are some packets of french fried onions that I was going to use for some chicken tenders- note to self to add to the menu plan.  Then the tuna fish packets for my husband.  The rest of the shelf is pudding and drink mixes.

Second shelf:
This one holds Shake N Bake, breadcrumbs, quinoa, mac and cheese and rice.  There is a little package of drink mix and french fried onions in the front waiting for a spot to move up to the top shelf.

Third shelf:
This normally has other things on it but it was mostly empty so I put the new stock of Ritz crackers on it and the Minute Rice that didn't fit anywhere else, bread crumbs, and the peanut butter that actually goes there!  There is a Dole Apple Crispy which I actually has been eaten since this picture was taken..oops!

Fourth shelf:
This used to be pancake mixes and some other boxes of stuff that didn't fit on the other shelves but we used up lots of pancake mix with all the company so there was only one box of blueberry left.  It gave me room to fit in the goldfish box which was nice because out of sight, out of mind.  My son ate the other box in only two weeks.

Bottom Shelf:

The bottom shelf holds the pasta, brown rice, and chicken broth.  Under the bags of brown rice are some elbow macaroni and other pasta.

Of course, this isn't my only cupboard that I use for holding all of my pantry items because I also have...

Over the stove (with baking dishes and large storage stuff):
This mostly holds pasta and tea bags but there are some ice cream cones in there now too.

Under the cabinet (with pots and pans):

Normally, this is where I store all my back up cereal on the bottom shelf and granola bars and plastic bags on the top shelf. 

My cupboard where we keep the things we are currently eating (top shelf more storage because I can't reach it without climbing on a chair):

I bought lots of Tupperware containers years ago when my friend was selling it and they are the best investment that I ever made.  They keep everything in a uniform container and it stays fresh way longer then just in the box.  We keep all the cereal on the middle shelf and the bottom usually has snacks like premium crackers, ritz crackers, cheese its, and some Honey Nut Chex cereal that my son gets for a treat.  All the way to the right is the oil, jar holding the dry contents of corn bread, and my container for white rice.

Ooops sort of forgot the basement (only used for canned goods):

Really forgot this one:

Plus I jam some items in with my pots and pans on the other side of the kitchen!!!  There isn't a lot of food in their but there is a little jammed in around the pots and pans like my egg noodles and mac and cheese which can't even be seen in the picture:) Mostly it holds the plastic bags and aluminum foil.

I think that I need to pull everything out but that seems like a little more work then I need to do so I am still figuring out how to reorganize the space(s) so that I can be better organized for the next trip to the store.  Any ideas? 

This is going to be my mission this week to come up with the plan and start moving things around.  I have already moved things around a few times just to see if I like the stuff in the new place.  I will take pictures and give you the update after I finish this project :)

**Note:  I realized during my starting to move things around that there is another cupboard over the fridge that holds mostly big pans, crock pots and wrought iron stands, that I also have some juice mixes and plastic bags up there... as well at there is a hidden storage of candy.  I don't know if that is considered an extention of my pantry too but there is very little room for storage but I realized that I also had stuff in there so I wanted to come forward with my hidden spot,

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