Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sick Day Activities

My son woke up one morning last week and decided that he was sick.  I wasn't sure about it until I took his temperature and it was 101.5 degrees.  UGH!  I thought that we were almost done with the sickness but we did a bath and Advil and he felt instantly better but we stayed home from school and I got a sub.

I was trying to make the most of the day so I did a load of darks, ran a load in the dishwasher, and made cinnamon rolls while taking care of my son at the same time.  By then I was exhausted!

I sat down and wrote at least 10-12 posts because I was really far behind on blogging (and I was avoiding washing the dishes)!  I got lots of posts scheduled so that I won't be behind for the upcoming month.  I am really excited to say that I have accomplished a lot on my blog.

I got some toast into my son and a little cereal but not much else and I even offered him Doritos or anything else that he wanted including hot out of the oven cinnamon rolls (which I ate some for myself).  We both took a much needed nap really late in the afternoon.  After trying to stay asleep, I realized that I hurt my finger way more then I thought I did when I jammed it on the dryer.  I iced it down with an ice pack a few times but I think that I messed it up really good.  The whole finger is really swollen and is throbbing but hoping I didn't break it!  UGH!!  See what happens when I try to be productive!  Totally not worth it.

Resting went up to dinnertime when I got up to get my husband's yummy birthday dinner ready for him to put the finishing touches on.  We got to have Omaha Steaks (Thanks Lynn and Drew) and mashed potatoes while my little man slept on the couch.  We gave him some medicine and then carried him to bed.  He sweat through his clothes so my husband changed him and he slept for a little bit and woke up.  He sweat through his clothes again so we changed him again and gave him some toast and more medicine and he was asleep in under 30 minutes from the time he woke up.  It is tough having a sick little man because he just doesn't know what to do about it.  Here is hoping that it is the end of the sicknesses here but we are taking shifts tomorrow so that we can both make it to work for part of the day and the little man can rest through the weekend if he needs to.


  1. Sorry your son was sick. Hope he is feeling better now. Sorry, too, that you hurt your finger. Hope the swelling has gone down. If not, perhaps you need to go and get it checked to make sure nothing got broken. Your cinnamon rolls look delicious, though! Yum!

    1. Luckily the thumb ended up okay and just a little bit of the nail might be messed up so I am waiting to see how the nail grows out. I know that the finger is something that they can't do much for so I was hoping that the pain and swelling would go down a lot and it did it the next day!!! Those cinnamon rolls were amazing. This batch turned out so tender!! Making another batch soon. YUM!

  2. So sorry about your son's illness and your finger, ouch! How did you manage to do that? Are you feeling better now? I agree with Bless, your cinnamon rolls look scrumptious. Not good at all for my diet but at least I don't have any laying around waiting for me to eat them, hahaha.

    1. I jammed the finger on something on the dryer...which I am sure I have done before but I must have done it with too much force because I think that it hit right under the nail and smashed into the finger. LOL!!! Cinnamon rolls are not good for the diet but they are great for breakfast lunch or dinner :)


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