Monday, January 2, 2017

Menu Plan Monday 1/2

Monday- Chicken fries, Buffalo Chicken with homemade fries
Tuesday- Pasta with meatball sliders
Wednesday-Chicken and Rice Casserole
Thursday- Salsa Sloppy Joes
Friday- Leftover Night: Paninis and leftovers
Saturday- Herb Roasted Chicken
Sunday- Take Out Pizza lunch/Chinese Take Out

While we were still on vacation, I decided to try out my awesome new Kitchen Aid Pasta Maker (best Christmas present by far...shhh, don't tell).  I have wanted to make my own pasta for years but it took me a little bit to be sure that I would try it so I added the pasta roller to the Christmas list last year.  This year I found the pasta press so I wanted to try that too!!!  Well, I got it for Christmas so I am excited to say that we are going to making our own pasta now.

Last week was a little busy with lots of nights changing to leftovers but we were quickly running out of leftovers so Sunday was pasta night! We did a turkey and rice soup from leftovers recreated on Monday.  Tuesday we were out at the stores very late and had Wendy's and my husband had turkey and potatoes when we got home. Wednesday was Chicken fries, Buffalo Chicken and homemade french fries which is normal Monday night dinner and my son's favorite meal.  We all had different leftovers on Thursday to use up everything in the fridge.  No one seems to remember eating on Friday night so it certainly wasn't anything impressive.  Saturday brought our New Years Eve brought steak and grilled baked potatoes for my husband and I and my son got his Book It Pizza Hut Pizza. Sunday was my first attempt at homemade pasta.

I had a hard time settling on the menu for this week because it will be the first week back to school/work for all of us and we have been living on summer schedule of going to bed late and getting up when we wanted (or my son just living on less sleep) so I knew that things would be a little different because we would all be exhausted and we have to get back to normal life with basketball practice, company coming into town and my son's birthday party next weekend.  I am going to try my best to get these meals on the table but I certainly don't know how it is going to go!!


  1. Thank you for consistently posting your menu. The past few weeks, it made me feel guilty that I wasn't even thinking about putting a menu together but today it reminded me that I needed to do this today. I just finished inventoring my fridge so I'll do that next!

    I got the Kitchen Aid Artisan Mini mixer for Christmas so maybe I'll ask for the pasta maker attachment next year. I do have a pasta maker, though, and I've never tried it. I've just been stocking up on cheap pasta from Publix when it's on BOGO and I have coupons. Lazy, I know.

    Is it very time consuming to make your own? Do you make them right before cooking dinner? A day in advance?

    One last question... did you get the email I sent you this weekend? Super doubles coming up on 1/4!

    Good luck with back to school, my son goes back on Wednesday and he is NOT excited :) But I am. I need my space back, hahaha.

  2. Hope this week of transition back to school and work turns out well for you. Meal planning is hard when meals have to revolve around work, after school activities, etc. Have fun with the pasta maker!


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