Friday, December 18, 2015

End of a Super Busy Week and Month!!

Well, I think that it is enough that I have had a post with this title in my drafts for a month.  I knew that I was going to get a chance to catch up with everything but I didn't know how long it would take me.

We were super busy and stressed with everything going on at work, home, and getting ready to leave for a trip so my son ended up with strep throat.  My husband took him to the doctor while I was at work and he got to have two days home before we left for our trip so that he wasn't contagious.

We got a new car!!  It came in early so we got to pick up with sick boy in tow.  We took the full new gas tank from the dealership and drove to visit family for the Thanksgiving holiday.  We got to spend lots of quality time in the car because the traffic was crazy but we found my son's favorite exit in PA with a Playplace McDonalds that we got to stop on the way up and the way back so that he got a break to play.

Then, we did lots of Black Friday shopping at Walmart and Target for me and my husband and mom went on a special secret trip after that to other stores.  Then we went to visit my cousin and we hit Target and Carters to get lots of other great things.  We didn't get things for everyone but it was as good as the holidays was going to get.  We saved lots of money!!

I started working on making chocolate houses for my second part time job as an assistant to a realtor.  There are molds all over one counter and half melted chocolate on the other counter.  The boxes of chocolate and finished product is in the dining room.  I have had two blasts of making all of these and I think that I have made nearly 500 houses which are being delivered all over the Northern VA area to different customers.  The great thing is that I can do all this at home but the bad thing is that I am making a mess of things at home so there is barely a free space in my kitchen to make anything else like those cookies my husband was wanting.

We did lots more unpacking and moving of boxes to get ready for holiday guests.  I am still working on the front bedroom but we are getting closer to having a usable house.  We cleared out the living room which was mostly filled with tools, paint and air compressor which I am sure most people keep in their living room.  We now have a Christmas tree and have cleared out all of the junk to be ready to host any holiday gatherings.  Even wrapped some presents and got them under the tree even if the walls aren't painted in that room but you will see the wonderful priming on the walls to reflect the lights shining.

We went to see Santa.  My husband went to wait in line early so that we wouldn't have to wait.  I picked up the little man from school and we got a pizza and met up with him.  Santa came early so we didn't get a lot of time to eat the dinner that I brought but we did end up finishing it on the way home so that we could get home and finish my son's goods and services social studies homework.  Are you wondering what was on his Christmas list that he is showing Santa?  He said that he didn't need anything because everything that he wanted Grandma, Grandpa and Grammie were going to get him!!  He just wanted to go and wish Santa Merry Christmas so that went well. 

We got home and back to school with more homework and more things to do at school and after school with lots of going on including a big power point project on shapes which we have had for weeks and still not started (just in case you were wondering my little guy is in first grade).  My son went to a library program on Saturday morning and was set to work on his project when he got home but he started complaining of severe pain.  My husband rushed him to urgent care to find out that he has a double ear infection (I think that I might too but I wasn't there so I didn't get checked).

Hope that you and your family are a little healthier this holiday season and enjoying all of the different things that are going on with friends and family!!  We are hoping to get this all out of our system so that we can have a happy and healthy new year.  Also hoping that I can get back to blogging since I have missed a lot of posts in the last few weeks.  I am sorry for being missing in action but hoping to be back now even with a little cold...good news is that you can't catch it online.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you and your son are sick. Don't wait until Christmas to get yourself checked if you do have an infection, you'll need antibiotics and pharmacies might be closed. Your son's a cutie! He has much faith in his grandparents, eh? I wonder if your mom feels the pressure, now!

    I can't get over all those chocolate houses that you made... and look how perfectly clean the molds are?! Mine would have dribbled chocolate all over them. Teach me! lol.

    Funny to hear how you're supporting a real estate agent... the friend with who I had lunch yesterday quit her job at the school where we both worked and became a real estate agent and investor, and yesterday she was telling me that she wished she made enough money to hire me as her assistant, so I offered to help her sporadically if she needed me. We'll see what happens. She really needs help with Quickbooks but I don't know it. I think I would learn fast though.

    Feel better soon!

    1. I am finally feeling a little better and we all just have the remaining stuffy noses. We are almost totally out of tissues so adding that to the list!!

      The molds were clean at the beginning but they are far from it after making well over 500 houses. They are a mess. I started off really neat but it was way too much work. As long as the chocolate came out okay, all bets were off!!

      I hope that the real estate thing works out. I do some work from home and some from her office because it is easier if we are both in the same place sometimes but it is super flexible because they are always working so when I can work, works for her. Quickbooks isn't super hard and I am sure you could pick it up easily. Start looking online for videos :) I am sure you can find some.

      I was going to leave you a note that I starting doing the daily swagbucks and I barely made it most nights but I have gone every day since I started and I have over 1000 points now! Only a lifetime more and I will get one of the $25 gift cards that I am saving up for. Can't wait to see if I can hang in there but it is a lot of work and so much time! I am impressed with your hard work and want to know how much you got this year so that I can set my goals for next year :)


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