Monday, September 28, 2015

Menu Plan Monday 9/28

Monday- Spicy Honey Mustard Chicken Tenders and Stuffing and shell mac and cheese
Tuesday- Pasta with garlic bread
Wednesday- Salsa Sloppy Joes with mac and cheese
Thursday- Grilled Italian Dill Chicken with chicken rice
Friday- Chicken Tenders and homemade fries
Saturday- Little Caesars Pizza and Cheesteak and fries/Salad, Asparagus, French Onion Red Potatoes and leftovers
Sunday- Leftovers/Breakfast for Dinner

The end of the month and I have two bags of ground beef left and five bags of marinated chicken.  I still have two packages chicken tenders from Harris Teeter shopping that I am planning on using and freezing.  I made some extra Salsa Sloppy Joe to freeze.  We also still have some sausage left in the freezer.  I am hoping to use most of those things to work through all of October and put down a menu plan for the whole month up front!!  Here is my first month in ages that I have attempted this so I am hopeful that I can fill up the month with tasty meals and a plan to know what I need to make and buy.  I currently have all the weekdays filled except 7 so I am well on my way.  I hope that you have a tasty week!!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful idea! If weekly meal planning makes things easier, imagine how great monthly would be. You could really take advantage of specials. Sounds like a yummy menu this week too.

    1. I have been doing monthly meal planning for the last few years but it went back to weekly while we were under construction and moving but now we are a little more settled. Sadly, we aren't really stocked up on things to plan really well but I know that we will be mostly okay for the month and now I know what I need to get. We are fairly regular with soccer practices and games for the month and when we are have to eat early or late so that I know what we can make. I am hoping that we are going to ahead for October and what shopping needs to be done.


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