Friday, August 7, 2015

Freebie Friday: Summer Reading Programs for Adults

Since my son had already participated in the summer reading program at the library and gotten a cool coupon book which got him lots of free stuff, I decided that I would check out a few things too.

I read the 10 books which you know isn't hard since I love reading and can't put a book down.  The one local library is closing soon so that give out a coupon to get 10 free books.  I decided that I would pick them out while my son was in a library program and changed my mind a ton of times but this is what I came home with.

I don't know a lot about them except that I haven't read them so I figured that I would enjoy reading them on our trip to the beach and not taking library books which always makes me nervous.  Who can beat the price?!

I went to another local library and turned in the sheet for the same 10 books and they only gave out one free book so I went through their much small display and picked out this one.  I like the author and the library doesn't carry any books by her so I figured that would be a good read even if it was in the middle of a series.

We went to a new library and they had a program so I got another 5 free books with my reading there.  I needed to fill out the sheets with 5 books each so I started writing and got the coupon limit to get 5 books.

  I can't wait to fill out my next sheet for more libraries and come home with another pile of books for free!!  I think that there is plenty of time in the summer to read at least 10 or 20 more books.  I did get the coupon for getting ten free books at one of the libraries so I might be able to pick those soon but it takes awhile to sift through the books and find 10 books that I really want, especially with my 6 year old helper who doesn't think that it is fun!!  I am going to have to check to see what I have already read since then and see how many more I need to get more books!!!

Have you checked around your area for summer reading programs??


  1. LOl, Alison, good job! You really are a shoo-in for all those Reading Programs :)

    I love reading as well but this summer I haven't read as much as I did in the past. I download (free) books to my Kindle but I rarely read them because I'd rather read "real" books. And when I pick some up from the library, they end up languishing next to me while I surf the web or watch TV (or do both at once, usually!). I read one book last week and it ended up not being very good. The 2nd one that I started was horrible right off the bat so I quit after 2 pages. I currently have 4 books checked out (2 fiction and 2 non-fiction). I've read through most of the one of the non-fiction and my goal is to read 1 fiction book this weekend. So, in short, no, I'm not participating in any Reading Program this year.

    I hope you enjoy your free books! I agree with it being nice not having to stress over taking actual library books on vacation with you!

    1. I just went to get 10 more books yesterday at one of the libraries. I grabbed some interesting looking books and had to read the blubs while I was in a library program with my son but I had to try to get 4 more while I had him with me and I just barely got what I needed. I turned in my coupon and started thinking that I needed to figure out what needed to be on my next list and I filled out another and realized that I had another 10 books!! I got another coupon to get another 10 books. This was the first time that the person asked me anything about the books that I read so we sat there discussing a few authors. I have such a pile of books and I have only read three of them so far!!!


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