Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ten Big Ones Book Review

Ten Big Ones (Stephanie Plum, No. 10) (Stephanie Plum Novels) by Janet Evanovich was the next in my pile to read.  I went to the library with my son and got the 9th book in the series and they didn't have the 10th but as I was walking by the large print area, I spotted number 10 so I grabbed it.  Sorry to those of you who needed the large print version but I just borrowed it for a little bit.  I was super excited to read it and with the huge font, I could read it from much farther away so this might be a new trend!

Stephanie Plum, unlucky bounty hunter, goes to the corner store to get nachos with her friend, Lula, who decides to prove that she is a good shot so she aims for a bottle and shoots a hole in a bike tire.  A masked man comes running out of the store and the getaway vehicle was the bike which now doesn't work.  She sees the face of the man who robbed the store when he is trying to figure out how to get away which makes her a target. The violence that occurs as a result is scary and dangerous.  Stephanie is forced to hide out and she goes looking for the safest place she knows, Ranger's bat cave.  You won't believe what she finds!

I read it faster then the last and was really sad when I got to the end because I didn't have the next in the series waiting for me (but I did have a pile of other books so don't worry about me).  It was another great story and possibly the most stressful with the situations that Stephanie gets herself in the middle of and how she gets herself out of them.  Since there is another book in the series, I guess I always assume that she is going to get herself out of the situation that she is in but you never know!  I hope that you check out this book at your local library or bookstore and see what you think.  It is a page turner just like all of the other books in the series so I hope you enjoy.

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