Monday, March 3, 2014

March Challenge Take 3!

I have a new blog that I love to read which you can check out here.  Make sure you note that she is in Canada so some things sound a little different then the United States but I find her blog to really interesting.  It talks a lot about budget and financing.  She has a new challenge for March to Take 3 (cause it is the third month).  It consists of three goals: Personal, Financial, and Decluttering.  Please join us in the challenge and set your own goals.

Here are my goals for March:


  • Read at least 6 books in March
  • Go to exercise class at least once a week (or at least 4 times in the month)
  • Meet with some of the schools that we are looking at for my son


  • Set up Roth IRAs for myself and my husband
  • Decide what we are doing about a 529 for my son
  • Continue to maintain grocery budget of $160 for the month


  • Continue selling on ebay and aim for $50 profit in March
  • Gather all yard sale items and tag and box them to be ready for yard sale in either April/May in friend's neighborhood (including making my husband go through some of his stuff which usually doesn't happen).

I already got started by making some phone calls and appointments. We are going to meet with a financial person and my son's school so that we can move forward with the goals.

Do you have any goals that you would like to accomplish this month? Join us in working to meet your goals!!


  1. Carla's blog is great. I enjoy it and I really enjoy your blog too. I can honestly say that reading blogs has helped me get my act together. We have created wills, gotten adequate life insurance, set up a Roth IRA, etc. because of the goals that blog have challenged me to complete. Have a great month with your goals! You will never be sorry that you took care of the important things!

    1. I know that there are so many things that we need to do that are long term goals and so many daily things get in the way like making dinner and doing laundry. The long term goals are really important but at the end of the day, you will notice more if the daily things aren't done. I am trying to be better about getting some of the bigger goals crossed off my list. Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you set up some goals of your own (even though you have a lot done already)!!


Thank you for visiting my blog today! I really appreciate any input or ideas so add your comment below.