Monday, February 24, 2014

Super Doubles is almost over so it is time to grab Cheese Its!!

I went with my son after a morning at the park.  He enjoyed his cookies while I tried to stay organized.  Here is what I got on this trip.  My free list is Ella's fruit pouch, three So Delicious Yogurt, three think thin bars, and six Yakisoba noodles.  I decided to get a package of corn tortillas for my husband because they were on sale for $1 which is a great price.  I got two of the Ricotta cheese for $0.50 each since I had only gotten one so far this super doubles.  They are good until the summer too which should give me no excuse to make some lasagna with them so I passed up the frozen lasagna.

I promised that I would stock up on Cheese Its because they are $1.50 after sale and coupon which is the best price we have seen in a long time.  I only got two the other day so I grabbed the coupon limit which is 3 coupons and got 6 boxes.

My biggest purchase which I was putting off was the Tide.  My buy price for the small containers was $5 and the big containers at $10.  I haven't bought it in a long time because CVS doesn't carry the small Tide Free HD anymore and that is usually where I find the best deal.  If you can believe it, I have no back up and I am getting low on the bottle that I am currently using.  It was on my February to buy list so here is hoping that since I got it $10.49 that I don't find the best deal in the world tomorrow!

Total Retail $79.19
Total Savings $61.47
Total OOP $17.72

I did a return for something that I bought that I thought I had the evic zvr coupon and I didn't so I got money back on my card and took the money off the total.  I can't believe that there is only one day left and there is no toilet paper in stock!!!  I am going to a different store tomorrow after exercise class to see what they have and crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

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