Thursday, February 20, 2014

Harris Teeter Second Trip for Super Doubles

I don't know if I was as successful the second trip but there are always prices that you have to pay.  I didn't have any free time today so I had to take my son and he fell asleep on the way to the store so I knew that it was going to go downhill from there but I needed a few things that I couldn't live without.

I got two of the free noodles which were the only two left on the shelf.  I got three barilla Italian meals which were nearly the end of the shelf.  I got three of the Think Thin bars which were getting really low.  I got two boxes of the South Beach bars which still had plenty of stock.  I also grabbed the So Delicious Yogurt which still had plenty.  All of those items were free!

There was a run on the Choc Toast Crunch so I just decided to get my two boxes which were on sale for $2.50 and I printed the $1 coupon from so they were $0.50 a box but I got a great evic zvr coupons so they were $0.25 together or $0.13 each.  Plus it made my son happy because he didn't know that I had already bought two boxes at Giant because I hid them already.

Then to the expensive part of the trip.  My son picked out four boxes of his oatmeal (I did get more because it is on sale more in the winter and winter is coming to an end and he will eat it through the summer too) which was on sale for $2.50 and there was a coupon for $0.75/2 which make them $1.75.  Not super cheap but way better then the shelf price of $3.55 which I won't pay.  My husband and son also really wanted Cheese its and they were on sale for $2.50 and I had a internet printable one from an email for $0.70 so I got them for $1.10 per box. 

I went a crazy cheese binge and got one more Ricotta for $0.50 and the Sorrento Mozzarella in a 16 oz. block (which is amazing if you haven't gotten it before) was on sale from the normally $6.99 price to $3.99.  I used my $1 coupon so I got them for $1.99 which is equal to about 2 bags of shredded cheese and twice as tasty!  We have some pizza grilled cheese in our future. YUM!

Check out the picture of all of the stuff:

Total Retail $76.66
Total Savings $66.69
Total OOP $9.97

Great news is that we get the e-mail tomorrow with the Friday evic promotions and I can't wait to see what lower prices we are going to get...hoping for some more cheese its and maybe some cereal promotions :)


  1. I love seeing your shopping trips! I don't seem to get the cheese coupon here in NC but I am so thankful for the ones that we do get!

    1. Crazy! I would have thought everyone would have gotten it but I was super excited to get that cheese deal! Hope you get some good deals!


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