Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Kid Math: 2 X 2 = BOO

2 X 2 = Boo: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories by Loreen Leedy was an interesting Halloween book that we saw at the library when we were getting a few other math books.  It seemed like good timing because it was before Halloween.  We grabbed it and brought it home.

In this book, it is set up as a cartoon based book that was written more like a comic book then an easy to read picture book.  The book covers the disappearing zero, one more time, seeing double, triple scare, foursight, book stew, just the facts and multiplication tables.  Each chapter covers a different subject to teach the multiplication with zeros, ones, twos and increasing numbers. 

My son and I did not enjoy the book and didn't make it all the way through it because there was way too much on a page and it was hard to figure out the flow.  I think that it might be good for older kids that were looking for something more like a comic book.  Most of the web sites say that it is for 6 years old and up but I really think that it is a little older kids.  My son usually likes the books for that age group but this one didn't work so use accordingly.  On another website, it said that it is aimed at 3rd to 5th grade so it might be better for those aged children.

If you are interested in doing some activities to go along with this book, please check out the wonderful teachers pay teachers for a free activity here.  You will have to sign up for an account but the download is easy and free.  Any other multiplication activities would also be great to go along with the text.
I hope that you get a little more enjoyment from the book then we did because it was given good reviews.  I hope to try it out in another year or two and see if maybe my position has changed on the format to give way to the information that I am hoping it provides.

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