Tuesday, October 8, 2013

September Reading Completed

I had another month of great reading.  Did you??  I hope so because the weather is starting to get colder and it is the perfect time of year to curl up with a good book and read!!  At least it is another excuse, although I need to stop reading and get some sleep and things done around the house.

I started off the month with a book in my hand and was straight on to the next.  I had trouble putting them down!  Luckily, I got a lot of reading time over the three day weekend and then the month was off to a quick start.  It was hard to get anything done with all my reading but I still went on to grab another book.  I was planning on trying to read a few books off my shelf at home but I couldn't help myself from the books at the library again!  I might have read two books from start to finish instead of going to sleep this month but I am not pointing any fingers.

If you are interested in seeing my review of each book, click on the title and it will take you to the original post so you can see my summary and review.  I hope that you check out a few new books or authors this month!  Let me know if there are any books that I need to add to next month's list!!

by Robyn Carr

by Beverly Lewis

by Beverly Lewis  

by Beverly Lewis

by Debbie Macomber

by Debbie Macomber

by Debbie Macomber

by Debbie Macomber

by Beverly Lewis

by Suzanne Woods Fisher

by Debbie Macomber

by Cindy Woodsmall

by Debbie Macomber 

There were a bunch of books that I wanted to read and I got a lot of them checked off my list.  Now I get to start thinking about next month!!   I have been updating my Good Reads account with all my books read and trying to update my master list on the blog.  I would link up to my Good Reads account but I am still learning the technology to do that so feel free to find me there if you have an account and you can see a more updated view but here is my yearly  total!  I can't believe how past my goal I am since I was hoping for 45-50 books.  There are only a few more months left in the year to finish my list so I might have to stop going off in tangents of other authors and save those for next year!!

Total Books Read
for 2013

January       12
February     11
March         19
April            18
May             11
June             13
July               6
August         12
September     15

Total          117


  1. Wow, that is impressive. I was an avid reader before I kids, but now I don't have the attention span for it. I only read actual books when I'm on the vacation. The rest of the time all my reading happens on-line......

    1. I decided last year that I needed to bring back some hobbies so that I wasn't only taking care of my son. I read a lot at night and while I am waiting places like in line to drop off, pick up, doctors appointments, and others. I love to read and am really excited to get back into it. You should try to set a goal of one a month and see if you can do it. I am sure that once you pick one up, you will see how much you missed it too :) I know that I did!!!


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