Friday, September 13, 2013

House on Olive Street Book Review

The House on Olive Street by Robyn Carr was at the library when I was looking at another book so I grabbed it off the shelf.  I read all of the Robyn Carr books that were in a series so this must be one of the independent novels that she wrote.  I checked when I got home and I was right!  Super glad that I grabbed and got the chance to enjoy it over the holiday weekend.

 In this book, there are five friends who are joined by a common profession, writing.  It seems that none of them really have a lot in common.  Sable is a best selling romance novelist that only wears the best fashion and lives in the best house.  Elly is an intellectual professor who has spent her life teaching others about writing and does a little writing on the side.  Barbara Ann is the writer and mother to her teenage and twenty something sons who can't seem to pick up after themselves.  Beth is the quiet writer who is married to the abusive traveling pilot husband.  The house on Olive Street is where they all meet because it is there friend Gabby lives which seems to have a revolving door with her ex-husband, two grown children, and lots of friends and neighbors.  Tragedy strikes when they four ladies arrive at the house to surprise Gabby with a breakfast brunch and find her dead in the house.  You won't believe all that is revealed in the book about each of the characters that turns their lives upside down.  They are working together to reform their lives in the wake of the death of their best friend, Gabby while cleaning out her house and putting together her final book.

The great part about Robyn Carr is she writes characters so vividly that you feel like you could be one of them.  Even if you haven't gone through anything like they have in their lives, you still relate to them.  I know that I loved it and really enjoyed the page turner of emotions in this book.  I hope that pick up this at your local library or bookstore because it is bound to entertain and keep you riveted just like it did to me!!!  Hope that you like it when you read it.

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