Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Aldi's Shopping Trip

I made the big trip out to Manassas (only about 30 minutes from home for those of you out of towners) on Thursday with my little man in tow.  We went to the resell shop to see if we could take a few things and sell them.  I was partially successful with a grand profit of $6.47 which we quickly spent at a community garage sale this weekend!  I thought the prices at the store were a little high for what I was looking for but overall, a great store. 

Then, we had a quick visit with Aunt Kimmie at work where my son promptly forgot about the sandwich that he promised he was going to eat when Aunt Kimmie offered him cake instead!  He greatly enjoyed more cake then should humanly fit into a little boy including some of mommy's.  When he got to the last bite, he said his tummy was full and he couldn't eat anymore.  Another person that I won't be able to split a dessert with (takes after Grandma).

I decided since we had already used up all our gas for our day of adventures that we would stop at Aldi's and see what deals we couldn't pass up!!  I saw the tortilla chips for $1.19 and thought of my husband's chips and salsa habit with the new Wholly Salsa Roasted Tomato that I got at Harris Teeter.  I figured that the bag wouldn't go to waste.  Then I saw the flour which was cheaper than anywhere else that I had seen it recently (already checked two Wal-marts) so I grabbed two bags and decided to add a third to the pile.  Did I mention that I was carrying this exciting adventure while watching a three year old to make sure that he didn't destroy the store???  Lastly, I saw marshmallows for $0.89 which is lower than the other grocery stores so it went on the top of the pile.

I walked to the check out and of course there was only one check out open and there was a line down the aisle!!  UGH!  I was awkwardly holding over 15 pounds of groceries.  The women behind me were entertained by my little guy being shy and hiding behind my leg while the woman in front of me took pity on me and asked if I wanted to balance my flour on her cart handle.  I declined and worked on building my muscles!  The line moved pretty quickly and I was out the door with my two reusable grocery bags full and only $7.33 OOP.  It seemed like a fortune paid compared to all the groceries that I had been getting at Harris Teeter but Super doubles always messes up my internal calculator on what the groceries are going to cost.  Of course, it was super great prices as always.  I wish I had more arms to look around the store some more but I was glad that I got what I did because we were out of all of them!!!

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