Tuesday, April 10, 2012

CVS trip 4/10

My son requested more jelly beans so we were off to CVS to see what they had left of Easter candy.  I knew that I had some ECBs that were expiring next weekend so I figured why not blow it on junk food!!  My son had asked for Pringles last week and I told him no so I figured that I would use that to add the extra money that I needed to spend my ECBs. 

Side note for all of you not in the CVS game (aka have no idea what I am talking about but are following the blog because you are friends of mine):  This is where you get to the complicated world or CVS money to have a lower out of pocket expense.  A normal person would go in and buy a bag of jelly beans and pay $0.59 (plus tax).  Since I had a $2 and $3 ECB, I had to figure out how to get my total to those amounts so that I would have less money out of my pocket (aka change purse).  I got two jelly beans- one spicy and one regular (because the spicy ones were really not great flavors).  Total so far was $1.18 so I was on the search for $0.82 more so that I could get it for free.  The Pringles were on sale for $0.88 so I picked up two and had a $1 off 2 coupon so they were only $0.33 each or $0.66 total.  Since I had my son with me, I just called it a good enough deal to get everything pictured below for free (plus tax).  I know that the "normal non-couponer" person isn't going to do this everytime that they go into the store but it really does help with the budget.

In addition, I had a rain check to get $0.99 back from the jelly beans.  The cashier didn't want to give it to me the ECBs back from the transaction because the price of the jelly beans was lower then the cost they were for sale currently.  She told me that I could use it next time.  I explained to her that it was a seasonal item and that I needed to get the $0.99 back because I wasn't waiting until next year.  She tried to explain it a few more times to me, just in case I wasn't understanding her.  She called the manager up and he said, give her the ECBs for both jelly beans- her being me.  Then he went to help the other cashier with another customer.  My cashier couldn't figure it out so the manager had to come back over and printed me out $2 ECBs!!!!  I spent $2 ECBs and got $2 ECBs back.  This in the CVS game is what we call breaking even :)

Total OOP was $0.07 for tax and I saved $4.38

Added bonus is that I only need more more green bag tag swipe to get my $1 back for using reusable bags.  Good thing it didn't print out for this transaction because it probably would have blown the cashiers mind and made it even more confusing.  I order to get through this whole ordeal without a sticky three year (from jelly beans since he eats them in multiple bites), I handed him a can of chips which he just about finished before we got home.  See the missing seal in the picture above... I had to steal the can from him to take the picture.  There was outrage but I gave it back immediately.  He did share so I got 4 chips :)


  1. Be sure to come by Friday to LINK Up your shopping trips at Pounds4Pennies this week!

  2. Thanks so much for linking up at Couponing & Cooking's weekly totals.

    Love your blog and the super fun design of it. Hope you will link up again next Thurday!



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