Sunday, February 26, 2012

Flour Emergency Situation

I baked doughnut muffins and a loaf of American Sandwich bread this morning.  I think that everyone knows that like to bake but this is just crazy.  I went out to buy 5 pounds of flour at Giant on February 11th (ony telling you that because it is important to the story) because I was suposed to be making a cake for a baby shower the next day.  I had a little left but not enough for the recipe.  I was on the phone with my parents after they got home and my dad was pricing out the flour at Sam's Club.  In case you are wondering, there was a 10 lb. King Arthur flour for $0.60 per pound.  For those of you like me, who looked up and started to multiple by 5 to figure out how much a 5 lb bag was, I did the math- it is $3.  I think that I can find that good of a deal at the grocery store so I don't see a need to splurge at Sam's Club.  They had a 25 lb. bag of Bakers All Purpose flour which was $0.30 per pound.  Back to the math, that makes it $1.50 for the one at the normal grocery store bag.  I thought that was a pretty good deal.  My mom claims to be able to get a 5 lb bag of flour all the time for $0.99.  Personally, I haven't seen that in years but she gets it so I guess I should have her do my shopping.  I (using my mothers logic) told my dad that I didn't need it because I couldn't figure out what to do with a 25 pound bag.  My container only holds 10 pounds so what do I do with the other 15 lbs. 

Fast forward two weeks, and this is what I have left.  Also, you should know that I have all purpose flour, bread flour, whole wheat flour and corn flour so this is only two of my flours pictured below.

My flour container-
 Bread flour (out of the bag)-
I guess it is hard to see in the second one but I am going to have a hard time making even one more recipe out of either one of them.  It is touch and go situation with the low levels of flour here.  If you hear a low moaning sound coming from the house, it is just me crying over the lack of flour.  Of course, it is doubtful that you would hear me over the construction next door but I just wanted to let you know.  I am now going to have to figure out the recipes that use the least bit of flour to make the most treats or go to the store and buy flour like other people do :)  Hope your family doesn't use flour at the same rate!!!

It reminds me of a story of my aunt and how she didn't use flour.  We were at her house for Thanksgiving and my mom asked her for flour but she said that she never keeps it in the house.  My mom then had to try to figure out how to thicken the gravy without flour which was interesting.  When were at the store weeks later, I told my mom that we needed to get a bag of flour for her sister for Christmas.  We wrapped it up and gave it to her for Christmas and she laughed so hard that she almost stopped breathing.  In addition, for years later we asked her to show us her flour.  She would still have the flour that I gave her when I was a kid if it lasted that long but she now does have some flour in the house in a bag so small that I didn't know they sold them!!  I grew up in a house with at least 10 lbs. of flour on hand at all times so this was a new one to me.  How much baking supplies do you keep in the house???  Do you always have flour, sugar, brown sugar, confectioners sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and butter??  I always have those around (and a box of brownie mix) so that I am prepared for an baking emergency.  I don't feel that I am properly ready for a baking emergency currently so lets hope that I don't have one!!

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