Sunday, February 2, 2014

Summer in Sonoma Book Review

A Summer in Sonoma by Robyn Carr was on reserve at the library and I didn't change the end date so they came off at the end of the month and appeared at the library.  I was sort of excited to see them but it also distracted from my mission to read off my bookshelf.  I started it shortly after bringing it home because I was just about done with the previous book.

In this book, there are four friends who are all trying to figure out the hardships in their life and overcome them.  Some use each other for support and others try to do it on their own but either way, they know that their life long friends are going to be there for them along the way.  Cassie, an ER nurse, had a bad date that ended up being rescued by a long haired biker who turns into her friend by providing support and comfort during this difficult time.  Julie married her high school sweet heart, Billy, who is a local fireman and works a second job to try to make ends meet so he is barely ever with his family and they are struggle to stay afloat.  His happy go lucky attitude has reached the end when Julie ends up pregnant again and is worried that she isn't going to be able to afford another mouth to feed.  Marty works in a hair salon and met her fireman husband through her friends but he is taking her for granted and not paying attention to the things that she is saying so she is very tempted to leave the marriage and look for a fulfilling life elsewhere.  Beth is a OBGYN who is just starting out after spending many years in school and finds out that she has breast cancer again.  She has decided to do it alone when Cassie finds out that she is in the hospital and vows to help her friend recover.  This is a great story of friendship and love and I hope that you pick it up to find out what happens to each of these friends and how their friendship grows through these hardships.

I hope that you check out this book and others by Robyn Carr at your local library or bookstore.  I love the way she writes and the characters in her books.  There is always something you can relate to in the books whether it is the character or some problem that they get themselves into.  I really hope to see more of these characters in the other books (although I think that the biker is the same one from another book).  What a great group of friends and great stories.  I enjoyed the whole book and I hope that you do to!!

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