Last week:
Family Goals
Go to Playdate to make clay-dough-We had a great time playing with playdough with friendsGo to Library for storytime- Storytime is always fun and we got to check out more booksWeekend with the family- My father was in town for the weekend, my cousin was here, and my sister in law stopped by so it was more extended family time then I expected but we had fun.
Read at least half ofOpting Out?: Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head HomebyPamela StoneCut Sunday coupons and file- Finished before the week started but then I got coupon inserts from my friend and my mom so I still had a ton of cutting to do in order to catch up.Get Hair Cut- Done but badly... why does this always happen to me? My husband says that I should start crying to make the hairdresser feel bad. I told him that is hard for me because mostly I am just mad and not sad. Wish I could switch the emotions but still angry about the haircut!!Late lunch with Sister In LawDone
Clean dishes, counters and floors 6 days a week-I was pretty happy that I could keep up with everything this week but it was mostly because my husband helped with dishes a ton so it wasn't as much to do in the morning. I am thinking about adding doing dishes once at night instead of in the morning to make the next day start better. Do you do dinner dishes right after the meal or do you spend time with the family?
Finish work on menu bar on top of screen- all buttons up and working and now I can add a few more if I want like the About Me that my husband added on Saturday.Start working on AdSense to see about ad space on the page- My husband looked it all over and we signed up for it but I guess it takes 48 hours to startSchedule 4 posts ahead of time-I did at least 7 posts ahead of time which was good because my computer was up and down all week so it was hard to get on everyday and do post which is one of my goals....even though I forgot to post it.Post Meal Plan Monday with new logo(made by my cousin- THANKS!!)- Done. Sadly, I read the terms of the images that she used and if I put ads on my site, then I can't use it anymore. How do other people have all this great art work on their sites? I guess I will have to figure it out.Download Picasa and try it out- I tried it out and I don't really like it tons so I am going to try a little in power point. I found another site that gave directions on making banners in power point but I am not sure about that either. At least they have some pictures to work with already in the program so it will be something to start with.
Family Goals
- Go to new park with my son
- Go to playground meetup
- Playdate with son's friend
- Go to library storytime
- Take my cousin to the airport
- Enjoy weekend pot luck with friends
- Read A Purse of Your Own: An Easy Guide to Financial Security by Deborah Owens and Brenda Lane Richardson and try to finish half.
- Eye Doctor Appointment
- Cut Sunday inserts and clean out coupon basket
- Clean dishes, counters and floors at least 6 days of the week
- Wash dishes one night so that kitchen is clean the next morning
- Get house ready for pot luck BBQ at the house on Saturday
- Make treats for pot luck BBQ
- Update running book list with books that I am reading for May
- Download pictures of book covers on May and June reading lists and do draft posts with links
- Schedule at least 5 posts before the date of publication
- Work on AdSense and figure out how to use it
- Update my About Me page that my husband put on the page
- Post Menu Plan Monday and Weekly Goals
- Post before and after of coupon basket project